5.1.Co-expression Network

0) Introduction of WGCNA


Weighted Correlation Network Analysis (WGCNA) 译为加权基因共表达网络分析。该分析方法旨在寻找协同表达的基因模块(module),并探索基因网络与关注的表型之间的关联关系,以及网络中的核心基因。




第一步计算任意两个基因之间的相关系数(Pearson Coefficient)。为了衡量两个基因是否具有相似表达模式,一般需要设置阈值来筛选,高于阈值的则认为是相似的。但是这样如果将阈值设为0.8,那么很难说明0.8和0.79两个是有显著差别的。因此,WGCNA分析时采用相关系数加权值,即对基因相关系数取N次幂,使得网络中的基因之间的连接服从无尺度网络分布(scale-free networks) ,这种算法更具生物学意义。

无尺度网络分布:大部分节点只和很少节点连接,而有极少的节点与非常多的节点连接,生物体选择scale-free network可以保证少数关键基因执行着主要功能,只要保证hub的完整性,整个生命体系的基本活动在一定刺激影响下将不会受到太大影响。


1) Pipeline

首先计算基因之间的相关系数,构建基因网络(correlation network of genes),然后将具有相似表达模式的基因划分成模块(module)。随后计算各个模块与样本表型数据之间的相关性,对特定的感兴趣的模块分析核心基因(hub gene,通常是转录因子等关键的调控因子),并将特定模块的基因提取出来,进行GO/KEGG等分析。

2) Data structure

2a) Getting software & data


2b) Input data



RPKM是Reads Per Kilobase per Million mapped reads的缩写,代表每百万reads中来自于某基因每千碱基长度的reads数。RPKM是将map到基因的read数除以map到基因组上的所有read数(以million为单位)与RNA的长度(以KB为单位)。这是一个衡量基因表达丰度的单位。

File nameDescription


GSE48213 breast cancer gene expression matrix (top 5,000)


56 cell lines information for the GSM data in GSE48213

2c) Output data

File nameDescription


Standarded R file contains the consensus topological overlaps for WGCNA results of the GSE48213 data


Input file contains network edge information for Cytoscape


Input file contains network node information for Cytoscape


Total gene ID list in specific modules

3) Running steps

3a) Install packages

#In R:
# 直接使用Docker的用户可以跳过这一步;使用3.5及以上版本Windows/Mac版R的用户请进入https://bioconductor.org/install/下载相应的文件
if (!requireNamespace(“BiocManager”, quietly = TRUE))

3b) Library the WGCNA package


3c) Import data

#In R:
setwd("/home/bioc") #使用Win/Mac版本R的用户请下载所需相关文件后修改路径
datExpr <- readRDS(file="/home/bioc/input_fpkm_matrix.rds")
datTraits <- readRDS(file="/home/bioc/data_traits.rds")

Data character

#In R:

A brief look of the datExpr:

#           ENSG00000210082 ENSG00000198712 ENSG00000198804 ENSG00000210845
#GSM1172844        78053.20       103151.73       112917.53        92808.32
#GSM1172845        96200.86       157203.85       163847.92        93501.17
#GSM1172846        18259.11        40704.97        13357.02        75183.17
#GSM1172847        33184.15        43673.63        15360.50        91278.61
#GSM1172848        35255.48        55018.26        17715.40        65460.84
#### each row represents a cell line (sample), each column represents the fpkm value of a gene

#[1]   56 5000
#### 56 cell lines (samples), 5000 genes
#In R:

A brief look of the datTraits:

#                  gsm cellline       subtype
#GSM1172844 GSM1172844    184A1 Non-malignant
#GSM1172845 GSM1172845    184B5 Non-malignant
#GSM1172846 GSM1172846    21MT1         Basal
#GSM1172847 GSM1172847    21MT2         Basal
#### each row represents a cell line (sample), each column provides the gsm number, the cell line name and the cell line subtype information

#[1] 56  3
#### 56 cell lines (samples)
#### The rownames of datExpr and datTraits are matched.

3d) Pick the soft thresholding power

#In R:
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#open multithreading 

powers = c(c(1:10), seq(from=12, to=20, by=2))
#Call the network topology analysis function,choose a soft-threshold to fit a scale-free topology to the network
sft=pickSoftThreshold(datExpr, powerVector = powers, verbose = 5)

在某些操作系统环境下,该步骤会出现“被替换的项目不是替换值长度的倍数”类似的错误,若该报错出现,解决的方法之一是注释掉 enableWGCNAThreads() 即可。

A brief look of the output from the command line:

#pickSoftThreshold: will use block size 5000.
# pickSoftThreshold: calculating connectivity for given powers...
#   ..working on genes 1 through 5000 of 5000
#   Power SFT.R.sq  slope truncated.R.sq  mean.k. median.k.  max.k.
#1      1   0.0944 -0.904          0.885 1040.000  1.02e+03 1810.00
#2      2   0.4910 -1.580          0.952  328.000  3.03e+02  866.00
#3      3   0.7030 -1.860          0.983  128.000  1.08e+02  474.00
#4      4   0.7920 -2.000          0.991   57.300  4.38e+01  283.00
#5      5   0.8490 -2.060          0.996   28.400  1.95e+01  179.00
#6      6   0.8810 -2.090          0.991   15.200  9.45e+00  118.00
#7      7   0.9040 -2.070          0.990    8.640  4.89e+00   80.60
#8      8   0.9220 -2.040          0.994    5.170  2.67e+00   56.40
#9      9   0.9330 -2.030          0.995    3.240  1.54e+00   40.50
#10    10   0.9350 -2.020          0.989    2.100  9.29e-01   30.00
#11    12   0.9250 -2.030          0.977    0.971  3.63e-01   17.30
#12    14   0.9210 -2.020          0.982    0.496  1.56e-01   10.50
#13    16   0.9250 -1.970          0.992    0.275  7.04e-02    6.61
#14    18   0.8940 -1.960          0.973    0.163  3.31e-02    4.31
#15    20   0.9220 -1.820          0.986    0.102  1.63e-02    2.89
#In R:
pdf(file="/home/bioc/soft_thresholding.pdf",width=9, height=5)
#Plot the results:
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
cex1 = 0.9
# Scale-free topology fit index as a function of the soft-thresholding power
plot(sft$fitIndices[,1], -sign(sft$fitIndices[,3])*sft$fitIndices[,2],
     xlab="Soft Threshold (power)",ylab="Scale Free Topology Model Fit,signed R^2",type="n",
     main = paste("Scale independence"));
text(sft$fitIndices[,1], -sign(sft$fitIndices[,3])*sft$fitIndices[,2],
#Red line corresponds to using an R^2 cut-off
#Mean connectivity as a function of the soft-thresholding power
plot(sft$fitIndices[,1], sft$fitIndices[,5],
     xlab="Soft Threshold (power)",ylab="Mean Connectivity", type="n",
     main = paste("Mean connectivity"))
text(sft$fitIndices[,1], sft$fitIndices[,5], labels=powers, cex=cex1,col="red")


#In R:
#[1] 6
#best_beta = sft$powerEstimate

3e) One-step network construction and module detection


#In R:
net = blockwiseModules(datExpr,
                 power = sft$powerEstimate,
                 maxBlockSize = 6000,
                 TOMType = "unsigned", minModuleSize = 30,
                 reassignThreshold = 0, mergeCutHeight = 0.25,
                 numericLabels = TRUE, pamRespectsDendro = FALSE,
                 saveTOMs = TRUE,
                 saveTOMFileBase = "FPKM-TOM",
                 verbose = 3)

A brief look of the net$colors:

#   0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15 
# 246 1671  355  305  279  270  241  175  168  124  108  101   88   87   84   84 
#  16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27 
#  77   67   62   61   60   47   44   41   40   40   38   37
#### table(net$colors) show the total modules and genes in each modules. The '0' means genes do not belong to any module.

3f) Module visualization


#In R:
#Convert labels to colors for plotting
mergedColors = labels2colors(net$colors)
#        black          blue         brown          cyan     darkgreen 
#          175           355           305            84            44 
#     darkgrey    darkorange       darkred darkturquoise         green 
#           40            38            47            41           270 
#  greenyellow          grey        grey60     lightcyan    lightgreen 
#          101           246            67            77            62 
#  lightyellow       magenta  midnightblue        orange          pink 
#           61           124            84            40           168 
#       purple           red     royalblue        salmon           tan 
#          108           241            60            87            88 
#   turquoise         white        yellow 
#         1671            37           279 

#Plot the dendrogram and the module colors underneath
pdf(file="/home/bioc/module_visualization.pdf",width=9, height=5)
plotDendroAndColors(net$dendrograms[[1]], mergedColors[net$blockGenes[[1]]],
                    "Module colors",
                    dendroLabels = FALSE, hang = 0.03,
                    addGuide = TRUE, guideHang = 0.05)
## assign all of the gene to their corresponding module 
## hclust for the genes.

3g) Quantify module similarity by eigengene correlation

#In R:
#Quantify module similarity by eigengene correlation
#Eigengene: One of a set of right singular vectors of a gene's x samples matrix that tabulates, e.g., the mRNA or gene expression of the genes across the samples.

#Recalculate module eigengenes
moduleColors = labels2colors(net$colors)
MEs = moduleEigengenes(datExpr, moduleColors)$eigengenes
#Add the weight to existing module eigengenes
MET = orderMEs(MEs)
#Plot the relationships between the eigengenes and the trait
pdf(file="/home/bioc/eigengenes_trait_relationship.pdf",width=7, height=9)
par(cex = 0.9)
plotEigengeneNetworks(MET,"", marDendro=c(0,4,1,2), 
                      marHeatmap=c(3,4,1,2), cex.lab=0.8, xLabelsAngle=90)

The top part of this plot represents the eigengene dendrogram and the lower part of this plot represents the eigengene adjacency heatmap.

3h) Find the relationships between modules and traits


#In R:
#Plot the relationships between modules and traits
design = model.matrix(~0+ datTraits$subtype)
colnames(design) = levels(datTraits$subtype)
moduleColors = labels2colors(net$colors)
nGenes = ncol(datExpr)
nSamples = nrow(datExpr)
# Recalculate MEs with color labels
MEs0 = moduleEigengenes(datExpr, moduleColors)$eigengenes
MEs = orderMEs(MEs0)
moduleTraitCor = cor(MEs, design, use = "p")
moduleTraitPvalue = corPvalueStudent(moduleTraitCor, nSamples)

pdf(file="/home/bioc/module_trait_relationship.pdf",width=9, height=10)
#Display the correlations and their p-values
textMatrix = paste(signif(moduleTraitCor, 2), "\n(",
                   signif(moduleTraitPvalue, 1), ")", sep = "")
dim(textMatrix) = dim(moduleTraitCor)
par(mar = c(6, 8.5, 3, 3))
#Display the correlation values within a heatmap plot
labeledHeatmap(Matrix = moduleTraitCor,
               xLabels = colnames(design),
               yLabels = names(MEs),
               ySymbols = names(MEs),
               colorLabels = FALSE,
               colors = blueWhiteRed(50),
               textMatrix = textMatrix,
               setStdMargins = FALSE,
               cex.text = 0.6,
               zlim = c(-1,1),
               main = paste("Module-trait relationships"))


从上图已经可以看到跟乳腺癌分类相关的基因模块了,包括"Basal" "Claudin-low" "Luminal" "Non-malignant" "unknown" 这5类所对应的不同模块的基因列表。可以看到每一种乳腺癌都有跟它强烈相关的模块,可以作为它的表达signature,模块里面的基因可以拿去做下游分析。我们看到Luminal表型跟棕色的模块相关性高达0.86,而且极其显著的相关,所以值得我们挖掘,这个模块里面的基因是什么,为什么如此的相关呢?

3i) Select specific module

We choose the "brown" module in trait “Luminal” for further analyses.

3i.1) Intramodular connectivity, module membership, and screening for intramodular hub genes

#In R:
#Intramodular connectivity, module membership, and screening for intramodular hub genes
#Intramodular connectivity
Alldegrees1=intramodularConnectivity(connet, moduleColors)

#Relationship between gene significance and intramodular connectivity
Luminal= as.data.frame(design[,3])
names(Luminal) = "Luminal"
GS1 = as.numeric(cor(datExpr, Luminal, use = "p"))

#Generalizing intramodular connectivity for all genes on the array
datKME=signedKME(datExpr, MEs, outputColumnName="MM.")
#Display the first few rows of the data frame

#Finding genes with high gene significance and high intramodular connectivity in specific modules
#abs(GS1)>.8 #adjust parameter based on actual situations
#abs(datKME$MM.black)>.8 #at least larger than 0.8
FilterGenes= abs(GS1)>0.8 & abs(datKME$MM.brown)>0.8
#4997     3
#find 3 hub genes
hubgenes <- rownames(datKME)[FilterGenes]
#[1] "ENSG00000124664" "ENSG00000129514" "ENSG00000143578"

3i.2) Export the network

#In R:
#Export the network
#Recalculate topological overlap
TOM = TOMsimilarityFromExpr(datExpr, power = 6) 
# Select module
module = "brown"
# Select module probes
probes = colnames(datExpr)
inModule = (moduleColors==module)
modProbes = probes[inModule] 
# Select the corresponding Topological Overlap
modTOM = TOM[inModule, inModule]
dimnames(modTOM) = list(modProbes, modProbes)

#Export the network into edge and node list files Cytoscape can read
#default threshold = 0.5, we could adjust parameter based on actual situations or in Cytoscape
cyt = exportNetworkToCytoscape(modTOM,
    edgeFile = paste("CytoscapeInput-edges-", paste(module, collapse="-"), ".txt", sep=""),
    nodeFile = paste("CytoscapeInput-nodes-", paste(module, collapse="-"), ".txt", sep=""),
    weighted = TRUE,
    threshold = 0.02,
    nodeNames = modProbes, 
    nodeAttr = moduleColors[inModule])

#Screen the top genes
nTop = 10
IMConn = softConnectivity(datExpr[, modProbes])
top = (rank(-IMConn) <= nTop)
filter <- modTOM[top, top]

cyt = exportNetworkToCytoscape(filter,
    edgeFile = paste("CytoscapeInput-edges-filter-", paste(module, collapse="-"), ".txt", sep=""),
    nodeFile = paste("CytoscapeInput-nodes-filter-", paste(module, collapse="-"), ".txt", sep=""),
    weighted = TRUE,
    threshold = 0.02,
    nodeNames = rownames(filter), 
    nodeAttr = moduleColors[inModule][1:nTop])

This plot is visualized by Cytoscape.

The output files look like:

#Bash Shell command:
head CytoscapeInput-edges-filter-brown.txt
#fromNode    toNode    weight    direction    fromAltName    toAltName
#ENSG00000108639    ENSG00000124664    0.0597956525080059    undirected    NA    NA
#ENSG00000108639    ENSG00000214530    0.0618251730361535    undirected    NA    NA
#ENSG00000108639    ENSG00000129514    0.0339542369643292    undirected    NA    NA
#ENSG00000108639    ENSG00000065361    0.0360849044869507    undirected    NA    NA

##Bash Shell command:
head CytoscapeInput-nodes-filter-brown.txt
#nodeName    altName    nodeAttr.nodesPresent...
#ENSG00000108639    NA    brown
#ENSG00000124664    NA    brown
#ENSG00000214530    NA    brown
#ENSG00000129514    NA    brown

3i.3) Extract gene IDs in specific module

#In R:
#Extract gene IDs in specific module
#Select module
module = "brown"
#Select module probes (gene ID)
probes = colnames(datExpr)
inModule = (moduleColors == module)
modProbes = probes[inModule]

The output file looks like:

#Bash Shell command:
head geneID_brown.txt

We could use the gene ID list for GO/KEGG analysis.

4) Homework

  • Input data: homework_FemaleLiver-01-dataInput.RData (文件位于该链接Files needed by this Tutorial中的清华云Bioinformatics Tutorial / Files路径下的相应文件夹中). It contains 134 samples, 3600 genes; each row represents a sample, each column represents a gene.

  • Please try to construct an automatic network and detect module (choosing the soft-thresholding power, one-step network construction and module detection) from the homework_FemaleLiver-01-dataInput.RData.

  • Please plot two figures:

    • a. Analysis of network topology(Scale independence, Mean connectivity) for various soft-thresholding powers.

    • b. The dendrogram and the module colors underneath.

5) References

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